Malawi Set – 001



The first of our Aquarium Rock sets, This is recommended for any aquarium over 55 gallons, or tanks larger than 13″ front to back. Wonderful for Haps, Peacocks and large South American and Central American fish and some Tanganyikans

Available in Brown or grey these rocks go perfectly with Malawi, Texas and Olgas background


Measurements of  Rocks:

1) Pictured top left: L-8″ x W-6.5″ x H-5″
2) Pictured top right: L-14″ x W-6.5″ x H-4″
3) Pictured bottom front: L-14″ x W-7″ x H-6″

Weight 4.2 lbs

Brown, Castle Rock, Grey

SKU: MAL-SET1 Category: Tags: ,


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